About CERT

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a volunteer FEMA program that is part of FEMA’s efforts to make communities resilient in the face of disaster.

Carolina Trace has a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) supported by the Carolina Trace Association.  CERT is concerned with disaster preparedness, and can also assist with disaster response when county first responders are delayed by overwhelming needs in the aftermath of a disaster.  CT CERT is a FEMA program sponsored by and managed in Lee County by the Director of Emergency Services.  

CT CERT has assisted the Carolina Trace Association with the development of an Emergency Operations Plan, and conducts joint exercises every few months, both to refine the plan and to familiarize those responsible for executing the plan with the recommended courses of action for the various hazards we are likely to experience.

CERT members reside in approximately half the POAs in Carolina Trace, and we encourage residents to become involved with CERT, both to help in their own POAs and assist others should we need to in the aftermath of a disaster.

CERT educates individuals about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations.

Using training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT volunteers can assist others in their community following a disaster when professional responders are not immediately available to help. CERT volunteers are also encouraged to support emergency response agencies by taking an active role in emergency preparedness projects.

The Lee County CERT Program falls under the direction of the department of Emergency Management for Lee County, North Carolina. Membership currently consists largely of the Carolina Trace CERT team, but some of our members reside in other parts of Lee County. The goals of the Lee County CERT program include expanding outreach in the community to increase the number of teams in the county and to educate more of the public about disaster preparedness.  The Carolina Trace Team aims to educate the community about disaster preparedness and respond to disasters to help our families and neighbors.


Carolina Trace Security/Gatehouse

Tel:  919 499-2339  Email: [email protected]

HOTLINE  919 499-2722

For road conditions, utility issues (such as water outages) and emergency conditions (such as floods,etc)